Who can I talk to if I have questions?

For any questions or comments, please email info@virtualpitchfest.com.

How many pitches can I send?

Each Pitch package contains a certain amount of Pitch credits.  One credit is used to send one Pitch to one Pro/Company.

Can I buy more pitches?

Yes, you can purchase Pitches at any point in time.

How long does my account at VPF last?

Your account never expires.  You are welcome to log back onto the platform and begin pitching after any amount of haitus.  After many years of innactivity on an account, the user may be asked to log in and confirm their account to keep it in active standing.

I’m having trouble signing up.

Your “Password” must be one word, no spaces, and at least 6 characters long and no special characters (e.g., dollar or percent signs etc...) 

Try refreshing the page.

Cookies and javascript must be turned on in your browser.

I'm having trouble signing in.

Error message: "That doesn't seem to be the right username or password, or your account has been de-activated."

Your username, password or both may be incorrect.

  • If you are using either the OS or browser to auto-fill your login information, you need to verify it is filling the correct information. First try to manually enter your username and password.
  • If you are signing in on a phone, do not let the phone capitalize the first letter of your inputs.  Username and passwords are case sensitive.

Forgot your username: Go here.  Enter your VPF associated email address and we will send an email with your username.

Forgot your password: Go here.  Enter your VPF associated email address and we will send an email with a "reset password" link.  Note:  The link expires in 10 minutes.

If you do not receive either the username email or the reset password email... check your spam/junk mail folders first.  If checking on gmail.com note they sort mail under various tabs across the top of the inbox.  

If you continue to have an issue logging in after the above, please contact us and we'll help you sort it out.

I am getting logged out.

You can get timed out of your login for various reasons: 

  • You’ve been on the site for more than 24 hours
  • Your computer goes to sleep
  • You lose your wifi connection for even a second
  • Your browser deletes cookies
  • You have an ad blocker deleting cookies
  •  …and more 

For this reason it is not advisable to spend too much time on an open web form.  Most Writers will compose their query letter as a text file (stored locally) and then cut and paste it into the Submit a Pitch window.

We also advise you to refresh your browser page or log out and log back in (to reset the clock) before spending a lot of time on a form like the Pitch Composer Tool.

How do I pay for VPF?

All transactions are made via PayPal which accepts debit/credit cards, even if you’re not a PayPal member. 

If my screenplay does get optioned/sold via VPF, am I under any obligation to VPF?

No, you’d have absolutely no commitment to VPF. We are here to help you further your career and make your goals a reality!  We certainly prefer you inform us of any successes you have connecting with Pros via VPF so we can promote your script | film | series | and you the Writer as well.

What is a Pitch?

A Pitch is a written title / logline / query letter. The purpose of a query letter is to get the reader to request your script. Examples of query letters.

Is a query letter the same as a “pitch”?

There are two basic ways to Pitch your projects to Hollywood. One is with a verbal Pitch, and the other is with a written Pitch (title / logline / query letter). Both the verbal pitch and the written Pitch have the same purpose — to get someone important to read the script you’re pitching.  Sometimes the term 'query letter' is used as short hand for the written Pitch.

Can I pitch a treatment?

Yes, you can pitch a treatment. That being said, we think it’s always best to pitch a completed script as that’s what Pros are usually in the market for. In other words, Pros generally want to see a great idea PLUS its excellent execution.

Do you always have the same Pros participating?

New Pros are added weekly and the vast majority of Pros participate for years!

Why can’t I find a certain Pro on the “Our Pros” page?

If a Pro isn’t listed on this page, he or she is on temporary hiatus, has moved companies, or can no longer participate for some other reason. 

How frequently do you update your Pro listings?

All of our listings should be current, but if you have a question about one, please free to contact us.

Can you recommend a Pro for me to pitch?

As we have so many Pros, it’s very hard to individually recommend one over another. That being said, we’ve tried to make it easier for writers to research each company by listing their recent credits and current needs. To view this information, please check out the “Our Pros” page. 

How do I know which Pros to query?

We recommend researching (on VPF):

  1. What Pros are looking for (current needs custom)
  2. If they are seeking a script in your script's genre (current needs)
  3. If they have credits that align with your project

How long will it take for a Pro to respond to my query letter?

Pros respond back to all query letters within 5 business days. If not, you get a free, replacement pitch.

What does a Pro response look like?

Click here for a sample Pro response form.

What happens if my Pro doesn’t respond on time?

VPF participating Pros have 5 business days to answer each pitch. If you don’t receive an answer within that time frame, contact us at info@virtualpitchfest.com.  On your request we will remove and credit the Pitch.  Please include the Pitch title and the Company Pitched in your email to us.  It is not automatic because some writers prefer to let a Pitch go "overdue" because they are more interested in the response than holding the Pro to the 5 business day deadline.

My Pro responded very quickly, are responses automated?

No responses are automated by either Pros or VPF. If Pros happen to be online when they receive an automatic email notification that they’ve been pitched, they simply go to their account, read the pitch, and respond. Sometimes the whole process takes just a few minutes. 

When receiving a pitch, a Pro must 1) go to their account and click on the query letter’s title to open and read it, 2) click either “Yes” or “No thanks,” and 3) go to a new page, where if passing, they must give a reason, as in the example here.  Our Pros are genuinely looking for that next great script or writer and are sincerely looking for material.

Although we actually encourage Pros to respond quickly to queries, we also expect them to give each query a reasonable amount of time and attention.  If you feel the response was too quick to give your Pitch reasonable time and attention please email us at info@virtualpitchfest.com (include title and company pitched) and we will review it.

Why did my Pro pass even though he’s looking for my script’s genre?

We’re sorry it seems like your Pro’s “Currently Seeking” listing is inaccurate or misleading because they’ve responded with something like “Not interested in the subject matter.” We understand how this can be misinterpreted, and will try to clarify. Firstly, Pros respond to pitches by clicking on either “Yes,” or “No, thanks.” Then, if passing, Pros must also check off an answer that best describes their reasoning, as shown here. Also, when a Pro’s uninterested in your script’s subject matter, it’s not the same as not liking your script’s particular genre. For example, someone might prefer the story in “The Hangover” to that of the one in “Guilt Trip,” even though they’re both comedies. 

How long should I wait before contacting a Pro about a script request?

We recommend sending a follow-up email (reference: VPF, date of Pitch, title and logline) around 3 weeks after submitting your requested material. If you haven’t received a response back to your email(s), it’s usually because of one of the following reasons: 

  1. The Pro hasn’t read the script yet
  2. Timing isn't right
  3. Pro is back pocketing the script for future use
  4. Pro likes it, but doesn't see a way to get traction on the project
  5. The Pro doesn’t want to move forward with the script

Can I contact a Pro directly?

If a Pro wants to read your script they’ll let you know how to contact them and/or how to send them your script.  Please do not contact VPF Pros outside the platform with unsolicited scripts or 'introductions.'  A yes response on VPF will result in your being put in direct contact with a Pro and will in essence be 'solicited' correspondance.

What’s a Producer?

A Producer is someone who shepherds a project from its initial stages of development to its release. Generally speaking, after Production Companies find material they try to sell it to a Major Studio.

What’s a Manager?

A Manager is someone who represents Writers to Buyers such as Producers and Studios. A Manager can also help you find an Agent. Typically Managers will receive a 15% commission from their clients and many Writers have both a Manager and an Agent.

What’s an Agent?

An Agent is someone who represents Writers to Buyers such as Producers and Studios. Agents typically take a 10% commission from their clients. Also, unlike Managers, Agents are prohibited by law from being Producers.

What’s an “Option Agreement”?

An option agreement is a binding legal document between a Producer and a Writer that allows the Producer to try and make the Writer’s movie. The agreement usually allows the Producer exclusive rights to a project, has a time limit, and specifies issues of credit and fees.

How can I copyright my idea?

You can’t legally protect an idea. 

How can I copyright my script?

Your work is automatically copyright protected at the moment of creation.  You can further protect screenplays via registering for copyright with the US Copyright Office and by registering them with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) to etablish legal standing in the first and establish timelines in the latter.

Who manages VPF?

Writer, Producer, and Development Expert David Kohner Zuckerman and his staff manage VPF. 

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